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Lunken 5.7km (the map is interactive and you can zoom in and out)

We have retained the distance from the previous Lunken and RUNmarö Lunken 5.7km offers both beautiful views, dense blueberry forests, and our own 'killer hill'.


The start goes north from Svängen and then turns right towards Runmarö Chapel, heading towards Hembygdsgården. After about 100m, you take a right onto 'love path' towards Vånö. The path runs along Vitträsk, glimpsed between the trees, and through the Fårskallarna's pasture.


At Vånö, you turn right and follow the road to Södersunda. There, the audience cheers and shows the way. You run down and through Södersunda village and, if you are alert, you will see an old lighthouse that has retired, and for those who remember, also the old Summer Store. On the way up from Södersunda, you will conquer RUNmarö's own killer hill.


Out on the main road, take a left towards Svängen with about 500m left. Gather your strength for a final sprint.


Click here to download the map and course description.

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