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A race was born after a long run!

The idea for RUNmarö was born during a long session in 2014 when I realized that you could host an incredibly beautiful and cool half marathon and show everyone beatiful Runmarö with all its history. A history that contains both Russian ovens, Strindberg and Nobel winners. During another long run, the humorous "brand" RUNmarö hatched, which became a natural name.


Said and done, we booked Sunday the 19th of July in the summer of 2015 for the premiere of the RUNmarö Half Marathon. The goal of the concept was to create an event in the middle of the summer, on a thriving archipelago island but also contribute to the industry on the island by filling Svängen, Låttas Bakery and Lanthandeln with customers. We also wanted to do something good and that is why we donate 20% of the surplus to a good cause every year.


The response turned out to be greater than we dared to believe and as many as 71 runners completed the first RUNmarö races with fantastic times. We filled Svängen in the evening and managed to raise SEK 5,100 for the Childrens Cancer Foundation. A success! When we were then asked to take over the race Lunken, a that has been organized on the island for several decades, it felt natural to integrate it into the RUNmarö concept. We adjusted the races a bit and launched RUNmarös current three races - RUNmarö Mini-Lunken 1.5km, Lunken 5.7km and Half Marathon 21km.




In 2017, RUNmarö exploded and it came as a bit of a surprise to us organizers that over 250 runners came to the island including Swedish legend Fredrik Uhrbom who set a new record. The new stretch on the Half Marathon got thumbs up from everyone and we had a fantastic day together. The following year, we chose to limit the number of spots to the current 150 / race in order to guarantee a pleasant and professional race for everyone.


During the 2018 edition of RUNmarö, the sun shone like never before and we had upwards of 30 degrees in the shade. One of our dear returning participants Kenneth Gysing wrote a fantastic article about the race in Runners World which you can read here .  


In 2019, as many as 385 runners ran one of the three races and together we could donate SEK 6,800 to the Archipelago Foundation and the RUNmarö thus became an official "friend of the archipelago".  


2020 was the year when Corona struck, but that did not stop us from creating a safe solution to the race. We launched RUNmarö Hybrid (actually first of all in Sweden) with a "run when you want" solution for three weeks and as many as 285 runners participated, including parts of the Swedish free riding elite in skiing and ourselves as organizers for the first time.  


In 2021, we launched both a hybrid solution but also a "race day" in which about 300 runners participated. A new track record at the Half Marathon was set by Kristoffer Låås and is now an incredible 1.16.49 !! Will anyone beat it 2022 is the big question?


2022 we saw another incredibly warm and sunny day with a new Mini-Lunken record of 90 runners on the starting line. This was also the year we opened up for a Run with your dog class where all dogs were rewarded with an edible medal. 


2023 was a record-breaking year, both in number of participants and new course records. 24:13 Lunken Female, 1.30.22 Halvmarathon Female and 1.10.59 Halvmarathon Male. The new Mini-Lunken record of participants is set to 122 fast runners. 


​In 2024, the Half Marathon and Lunken sold out in record time, we saw a total of 189 on the starting line of Mini-Lunken with 7 SR Lunkers in the newly launched race. A new course record of 1.28.54 was set in the Women's Half Marathon


All the latest info with start times can be found under INFO .



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